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"Right on the edge of a family game and a game for adults. Great for both!"
"Fun and entertaining without being complex!"
"This really is the game the world needs right now!"
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What's in the Box?
141 cards + rulebook, along with tons of hilarious memes about the crap your friends do!
Quick FAQs
Does the game have swear words?
No. While some of my merch uses the adult word for "crap," the game will never do that. I consciously designed it to be played by kids and families, and made sure not to cross lines into blatant adult territory. There are jokes for both kids and adults.
How many people can play The Holiest Crap?
The game is for 3-5 players.
What is the age range for The Holiest Crap?
Officially, The Holiest Crap is for 14+ because... games below the age of 14 require paid legal testing before they can be sold. And for little indie game developers like me, that's just another extra cost to worry about.
But my professional game reviewer @woosung.boardgames personally believes kids aged 10+ can get the hang of it!
How long does it take to play The Holiest Crap?
On average, 30-60 minutes. If it's your very first time, you can expect anywhere between 45 and 90 minutes. People who regularly play games usually learn it more quickly. When I taught the game to 4 game nerds at a local game night (it was the first time playing for all of them), it took a total of 40 minutes to explain the rules and play a full game.
Will you make expansion packs for The Holiest Crap?
I eventually hope to do that, yes. If the game is successful enough to show me that people are interested in more, then I will plan on it. I've got multiple ideas for fun new cards to make the game even more spicy.